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Bake your own sourdough bread in the Dutch Oven
Bread for good digestion and optimal nutritional absorption
Discover this healthy trendy bread and bake it yourself in the Dutch Oven from now on!
Sourdough is a fermentation product of lactic acid bacteria and yeast,
made with a live sourdough starter called 'levain' in French.
The lactic acid bacteria provide a full flavour, crispy crust,
a long shelf life and promote good digestion and optimal nutritional absorption.
What is a sourdough starter?
The most important ingredient for making sourdough bread, is a sourdough starter.
To make this, you need time and patience.
It is a process that takes 7 days or longer.
To make a sourdough starter, you need rye flour and water.
First, add 50 grams of rye flour and 50 grams of water in a jar and stir well.
The next day, use 50 grams of your starter and add 50 grams of rye flour and 50 grams of water again.
Repeat this process until your starter doubles in size. All ingredients remain in 1:1:1 ratio.
As you repeat this process daily, certain bacteria enter the flour and become active,
this causes it to ferment.
The starter will start to double and also start to smell sour.
Once your starter is alive, it's time to bake delicious sourdough bread in the Dutch Oven!
Bake your own sourdough bread in the Dutch Oven
A Dutch Oven is a cast-iron pan that can go in the oven, so you can bake bread in it.
As you bake bread in the Dutch Oven, it creates a delicious crispy crust on the bread.
This is because steam is created while baking your sourdough bread in the Dutch Oven.
This ensures that your bread rises nicely and develops a nice crispy crust.
Health benefits of sourdough bread
Besides being very tasty, sourdough bread also has lots of health benefits.
The fermentation process of the sourdough starter releases certain bacteria.
These bacteria are good for our intestines and ensure good gut flora.
Good bacteria in our gut can help you with many physical complaints,
because good digestion is the source of your health.
Sourdough bread also contains more vitamin B and provides better mineral absorption.
In addition, sourdough bread contains less acrylamide.
This is a carcinogen that is created when carbohydrate-rich products, think potatoes and cereals, are heated.
Due to the long rising process of sourdough bread, it causes the substance to be broken down.
As a result, there is much less acrylamide in your homemade bread.
Start making your sourdough bread today
Start making your sourdough bread right away today.
Shop the finest Dutch ovens and cast iron pans at our website!