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Celebrate the start of summer
Summer starts on 21 June 2024!
Organise a cosy Solstice party
Let the nice weather finally come, because how wet it has been for the past few months.
The garden is now at its greenest, with the vegetable garden also offering all kinds of delicacies
for delicious outdoor cooking. Cooking from your own vegetable garden is surely the epitome of enjoyment.
What have you sown to harvest now and what dishes will you prepare on the BBQ?
In any case, we wish you a happy summer!
Chill in a real Beach rocker from Weltevree
Pour yourself a nice refreshing drink and take a seat in the Beach rocker!
Enjoy a quiet afternoon in the summer sun under the parasol.
Celebrate the start of summer in your own garden tub from Gardentub
Meet the latest garden pool, the Gardentub from Riho!
Immerse yourself in a hot or cold bath and enjoy the summer days.
You can expand this luxury garden tub with various accessories such as a tap or a shower.
What is the solstice?
The sun is energy and at Midsummer the sun is at its highest point and shines longest
The solstice (Latin: solstitium or solstice) is the event when the sun,
as seen from Earth, reaches its northernmost or southernmost position.
The sun is then directly over one of the two tropics:
the Tropic of Cancer in the north or the Tropic of Capricorn in the south.
As the sun seemingly moves towards the Tropic of Cancer,
days get longer in the northern hemisphere and shorter in the southern hemisphere.
When the sun seemingly moves towards the Tropic of Capricorn, it is the other way around.
This apparent movement literally reverses at the moment of the solstice.
The midpoint between the two points is reached when the sun is exactly perpendicular above the equator.
There is then an equinox or day-and-night equinox.
Day and night are then the same length everywhere on earth.
SOURCE: Wikipedia
Make a Midsummer bonfire
Midsummer is a fire festival, so it is totally appropriate to have a bonfire on this night!
Put a fire bowl or basket in the garden.
Don't have a garden?
Then put a kettle or something else that is fireproof on the balcony and make fire.
In a fire bowl or basket, you can do that with logs.
You can also take a barbecue and make a fire with coals (you can also get small balcony copies).
Fire belongs on Midsummer!
Sprinkle some rosemary in the fire as an offering to the sun gods to turn your ordinary fire into a ritual fire.